*smiles* Hello there. We do apologize profusely for completely abandoning you. Assuming there's anyone left. XD But with lots of changes ahead for us, we figured we'd give TAJ a reboot and try it out again. This is my little update post to catch you up on what's been going on.
But I'm really dropping in right now to just give a quick life update on myself and share where I hope to take my posts on this blog. In some ways, there isn't as much stuff to recount as there was in my last recap post, but in other ways, there's a lot more.
Let me explain... We're moving to Florida in June. Yup, only a brief few months away. (*freaks out*) While I'm really sad to leave the good friends and familiar places that I have here I am beyond excited to move. I've been to Florida several times (the most notably when I went to my cousin's summer camp) and made some really good friends so in that respect it should be a pretty easy move.
Of course, that being said, I can't remember the last time we moved so this will be a whole new experience for me. I'm very excited! There are so many things that are going to be happening between now and the move and I'll keep you updated on all that.
Other than learning that news, not much has happened. A brief recap: I'm 17 now, got to visit The Master's University overnight, competed in the Gobbler Games, saw friends and family at Christmas, went to winter camp, got a Chick-fil-A scholarship, finished teaching piano at our house, ran a 5K (or walked... we're not being too specific here) and had several vacations plus working and prepping for moving and graduation!
Whew, that was a mouthful. And I probably have more I could add... maybe I've had more going on than I thought. XD But that's basically all I have to say for the life update part. The what's coming next part is gonna be a lot shorter...
Basically, I'm planning on doing a lot of either posts that I can plan ahead (like a book review or posts that aren't time-sensitive) or posts that I can just basically throw a bunch of pictures plus some description and they'll still be interesting. So that's what you can look forward to. XD
I'll see you soon, and have a great week!
~ Anna
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