Wednesday, October 10, 2018

So... what's up?

Whelp... hello guys. I literally have not posted on here since February 19th. That's sorta impressive but also pretty sad. As you've probably read already in Triniti's last post, they moved to Michigan this summer so that's been a pretty weird adjustment to make. I just thought I'd give you a quick update on what I've been doing the past few months.

First of all, I finished up my junior year of high school and had my last summer as a high school student (um… scary, anyone? Very scary). I did a lot of fun things this summer though, which you'll know all about if you read my blog.

Just in case you don't, I'll give a super brief, quick summary. We went out for a family reunion in Arizona in April, and then in early June part of my family and I went to Florida for my cousin's graduation from high school. As soon as we got back from that we went camping, and then VBS at our church.

Within 48 hours of VBS ending, we were on our way to Ireland which was a crazy, absolutely amazing experience. You can read a full low-down on that over here and then some random things that were different from the U.S over here.

The biggest thing that happened this summer was that I got a job. Yup, a real to honest job. I actually haven't mentioned this on my blog, but if you're interested in more of the story about how I got it and all that you can watch over there. I'll talk about it more soon. Oh… the job is at Chick-fil-A, so it's my pleasure. ;)

I also passed my driver's test, so I'm now a licensed Californian driver, and we spent a week in Arizona at the beginning of August. That basically concludes my summer doings…

So I guess the reason we've been so quiet on here is because of how crazy busy we've been. I know I can speak for myself when I say that I've barely had enough time to write these blog posts/get back into blogging. It's basically the only thing I'm letting myself do (besides watch some TV shows every once and a while) for fun.

Jessica has been doing a lot of college dual enrollment work as well this semester, and that combined with normal life stuff is making us both pretty busy. And as you read, Triniti recently moved so she's still settling into life in Michigan.

I'm going to (hopefully) start posting on my scheduled weeks - so every three weeks - and we'll see how it goes from there. 

~ Anna

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