Wednesday, November 1, 2017

A Poem on Culture~ by: Triniti

     I really enjoy writing poetry. Usually it's spur of the moment and needs inspiration in order to come onto a page. I thought that I'd write a poem about how people misuse holidays and the kind of holidays that our country celebrates. I'll follow it up with some ways that we can change the way that we see these holidays. 

A Poem on Culture

We live in a messed up world.
So often crazy things unfurl. 
On days where Christ is honored much, 
The wicked put on such a bunch
Of evil practices.

Our Saviour's birth, is indeed wonderful,
But has been twisted into fun-derful
Events for corporates
Who are just a bunch of hypocrites,
Exploiting giving. 

Just on the 31st,
Reformation Day came herest. 
On this day Christianity was
Defended by a righteous cause.
Now a candy fest.

Easter, the Day of Jesus's Resurrection,
Has had such an insurrection. 
The day our sins were abolished,
We now trade eggs which we have polished!
This is insane. 

How can we let such things stay?
Why do we not make our say?
It is terrible on our part,
How can we aid these sorry hearts?

     And that is my poem. Now I'll talk about each of the three holidays I've mentioned. 

  • Christmas:
    • Think about why you're giving. Are you giving because "It's Christmas! You have to give gifts at Christmas!" without thinking about why we give at Christmastime? Jesus coming to Earth and living a perfect life and dying a shameful death, to rise again on the third day, is the best gift we could possibly receive! We give to remember that.
  • Reformation Day:
    • No one even celebrates Reformation Day. Instead they celebrate Halloween, a pagan holiday celebrating evil spirits and pagan creatures. To start fixing that, we might stop celebrating "Halloween". Instead, celebrate Reformation Day or do nothing that day. (Not nothing, but just do normal, everyday things)
    • Our youth group goes out evangelising on this day each year. Every time we pass people or go up to houses, we offer Gospel tracts to them. This way, the Gospel can be spread to many people on an evening where they would normally fill their bodies with candy and their minds with evil (even unwittingly).
  • Easter:
    • Instead of painting eggs and (again) stuffing yourself with candy, celebrate the Life, death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ! Make "Resurrection Eggs", plastic eggs each containing an object from the last week of Jesus's life. Make "empty tomb" rolls, little breads that are dense and full before you put them in the oven, but completely empty when you take them out. These are both great ways to teach children about Jesus's ultimate sacrifice for us. 
    • Fellowship with other believers. On this day of celebration, join others who are disciples of Christ to acknowledge that Christ is Risen!
Those are three major holidays that people misuse. There are others (i.e. Valentine's and Saint Patrick's Days), but these seem to be most prominent. 

Thank you for reading! I hope you found these things helpful! ;)

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